Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Doctor's office Zombies

Hello to all of my Christmas Elves!
It's been a busy week here. Monday I had a root canal. Tuesday I had a Dr. appointment that was a disaster. More on that later. Today was crochet. Tomorrow I will clean, laundry and domestic stuff as well as make lunch for six on Friday. My daughter in law just called and ask me to babysit for the short grandson on Saturday night while she and my son take the taller grandson to Chicago to see the lights. That should be fun for them and me.

Now for the doctor disaster.
How many times have you made an appointment to see your doctor and when you get there and there are fifty people in the waiting room, and there is just one doc? I used to work in an industry that took appointments. I never ever booked two people for the same time slot. Who do they think they are, those doctors? What, my time is not worth as much as theirs? The nurse tells me it will be at least 45 minutes. Now I was early, but I knew it would be more than 45 minutes. It wasn't like I was sick, I was going for a consultation. So I looked around the waiting room and suddenly felt like I was in a Monty Python segment. No kidding. I can't even begin to explain what those folks looked like. I can tell you that one fellow who had brought "mother" had a jet black pompadour and looked like a cross between Elvis Costello, Elvis Presley and Roy Orbison. It was like an acid flashback. His clothes were very well kept but had to be at least 40+ years old. That is when I decided that I was sick. I told the receptionist that I was sorry but I was not feeling well and would have to reschedule. NOT. I hate to have to resort to lying but sometimes to spare feelings one must drop that low. It was either, I feel sick, or where did these zombies come from? What would you have done?

So I am getting ready for the Christmas stuff that people do. However this year I am going electronic and sending some e cards for Christmas. Hey, you won't have to hang them up, I won't have to pay nearly .50 cents to send them and think of the paper we save. I also plan to decorate this year. Not sure about the tree but I will put up my old angels and my village and the Nativity. We go to our son's for Christmas so why should I decorate here. It would be different if people were going to visit but they don't. So I'll just decorate for us.

Well have a good week folks and be safe. 23 days and counting.


  1. One of the six people that you're cooking lunch for on Friday says, "Thank you!"

  2. And of course the mother of one of the six people you're cooking lunch for on Friday also says, "Thank you!!"
