Monday, November 16, 2009

It is not Christmas yet Charlie Brown!

Well Hello,
I am going to wank some about Christmas. It is November 16th. and it has started all ready, Christmas that is. Enough people! Can't you wait until Thanksgiving has past? I know the weather has been nice and it is helpful to hang lights in 60° weather than it is in 10° weather. I'll give you that, but don't turn the things on yet. And here is one for you consider too if you have a blow up Santa or snowman in the yard, please don't put them by the creche. That is just tacky. Sure you should keep Christmas in your heart all year, but not lit up in your yard or on your roof. The Griswold thing was a movie, not to happen in real life.

Why is it that we Americans have an uncanny ability to screw everything up? It is Christmas. It is a religious holiday. Sure you can incorporate Santa into it but remember what the subject is in the sentence. This one is about Jesus. We have turned it into a frenzy holiday. We wear ourselves out, over spend, get real crabby and take what is meant to be fun and ruin it.

There is Hanuka that is about the same time as Christmas. That holiday is quite interesting. Look it up and see why the Jewish people celebrate Hanuka. You won't drop dead the next time you enter church if you do. Be enlightened, it's good for you.

I believe that if all people would do more research and reading of reliable material regarding world religion, then perhaps, just perhaps we could all live together in peace. Peace, now there is a novel idea.

Give it a try this season. Extend your religious knowledge a little. Tolarence is a good thing, especially one day at a time.