Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What I am not doing on my summer vacation.

Hi there everyone, So much has been going on I can't possibly catch everyone up. A short synopsis would be; 40th. anniversary, hubby went to Italy and Virgina, Two brothers in law passed away, Sisters graduation from St. Mary of the Woods, weather from hell blew down garage, fell down last two basement stairs, mink got in and killed eight young hens, nieces wedding, nieces graduation. Need I say more? Oh wait and I've had the 24 hour flu over the 4th. Other than that, life is good.

Summer is really going by fast. My poor hubby had his summer all planned out to get a lot of small things done here at the faux farm. Unfortunately, a stormado blew down our new garage. Being the focused person he is he has been spending every waking minute working on or figuring out how to get it re-built asap. Along with working at our county fair all week as the blacksmith and going to Oklahoma with his boxing cohort for a fight, his plate is very full this summer. I was really hoping he would get some time to relax and get his happy old self back. Guess not yet.

My goal for the summer was to sell everything that was not nailed down around here. I have been storing up stuff for a garage sale for years. Never had a garage to use. So with the plans of our new garage I was ready to get started. Then the stormado took care of that. No garage, no sale. I have been to auctions, yard sales, garage sales and just plain collected stuff for 40 years. Oh I had good intentions for all the stuff but you know how that goes. So now, I have decided to sell everything, that is as soon as I have a garage to do it in. Maybe next year.

I am still on a quest for small body of water to cool myself in when it gets so terribly hot. I have to admit that I have a phobia about getting into water that others have been in. I have no clue as to why that is because I never used to be like that, but I am now. The trouble with a pool of my own is that it would involve chemicals and vacuuming and I would not use it enough to warrant getting it. That and I want a new kitchen floor. I look at a pool and think "new floor". So for now a quick cool shower will have to do or a squirt from the grandson's water gun.

I guess it is time for me to get to it. Laundry will not do itself, or the dishes.
Hope to write again soon. Ta ta for now.

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