Saturday, December 17, 2011

Foreign Aid Stinks (In my opinion)

I think it is about time that I add another post. I have not blogged since last summer. I don't know why I don't do this on a regular basis but I just don't. We are real close to a new year. I think my resolution last year was to blog on a regular basis. I didn't. I am going to try again. If my hubby can blog almost daily then I sure as heck should be able to. I can't add photos as of now because my camera succumbed to the baggage handler on Southwest. I wanted a new one anyway.

Now on to our Government. Have you ever looked into how much money the US government gives away every day? I can not quote statistics but I am relatively sure that you can Google the answer. And I wonder how many countries give us aid? I give donations to veterans, Native American schools, hospitals that do research for children's diseases and to food banks,that is my choice. It is not my choice to give millions if not billions of dollars to other countries. I could be wrong, but I would not think that the working folks in this country go to their jobs each day to support foreign countries, but they do. Is that okay with you? It is not with me. We are in debt past our eyebrows, so why are we giving money away? We put up with traffic, bad bosses or out of date work policies. Next time the garbage man picks up your trash think about him giving his money to a foreign country. Do you think if he had a choice that he would? Health Reform would be a non issue if we did not give money away. We would have the money to take care of ourselves.

I have said on many occasion that if this country wants a valid election it should have on the ballots; None of the above. If none of the above gets more votes than anyone else then "The Powers That Be", get six months for a do over. You should also get to check a box on your tax form that says; None of my tax money goes to Foreign Aid. If you feel the other way then say that. Shouldn't we get a say? I would think so. I just recently learned that our Congressmen and women get to buy and sell stock knowing that the market will probably go up or down on a vote they have coming up. If the public did that it would be insider trading I think. Maybe I should ask Martha Stewart. I guess my biggest question is why is it that we the people know these things and nothing gets done about it? How long is this going to go on before those in Washington and in our state capitols figure out that we are mad as hell and don't want to take it any more? They are busting unions and bankrupting pensions and very few are even concerned. Why is this? Do we get bailouts?

Maybe I should lay off the blog for another six months or just write more so the steam does not build up so much. I really don't think that would help. I do miss Andy Rooney.

Merry Christmas.

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